Hey there!
So I've been rewatching Gilmore Girls and when Lorelai made a comment about the Morton Salt Girl, it convinced me to finally purchase the yellow rainboots that have been sitting in my Taobao cart. I bought a pair for a friend as well, and they came just in time because it rained today and there's nothing better to cheer you up on a muggy Monday than some bright yellow boots. I usually wear a 9.5 and went with the 10. They're a little big and I could have gone with the 9 but I think when it starts snowing, they'll be just fine with some thick socks.
Here's the link: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.0.0.kUTpuO&id=529652769007&_u=r2ftv6ta249b
Price: 59 kuai/pair = $9/pair
Delivery time: 3 days
Free shipping: Yes (with two pairs)
Colors: Yellow, Violet
Sizes: 7 (38), 8 (39), 9 (40), 10 (41)
True to Size? A little big
Success or fail: Success!
Taobao on,