I grew up in Mississippi where pretty much everything my
grandmother ever cooked was in a cast iron skillet. I never have been willing
to give up precious packing weight when traveling back and forth to bring my
own skillet here, so we did some searching and found one here.
This sucker is HEAVY. It’s also HUGE. We specifically
ordered the biggest one that would still fit in our oven, but there are
obviously smaller sizes available. It works fantastically. We are still working
on seasoning it (it’s legit cast iron, so you have to care for it
appropriately. Pinterest it.). I’ve fried chicken nuggets in it, sautéed
veggies, and cooked a frittata in the oven. All successful.
Search terms: 加厚铸铁锅无涂层不粘锅平底锅煎锅无油烟烙饼锅手工铁锅双耳炒锅
Price: 110 kuai (this included a 5 kuai glass lid added on)
Free Shipping: Yes
Delivery time: 5 days
Size: 35 cm (28 – 35 cm available)
Search terms: Zhu2 tie3 guo1
Success or Fail: Success
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